Compelling unanswered question on 9/11 — Kevin Ryan

  1. How could American Airlines Flight 77 have hit the building as it did, considering that the evidence shows the alleged hijacker pilot, Hani Hanjour, was a very poor pilot?[2]
  2. Why did the aircraft make a 330-degree turn just minutes before hitting the building?
  3. Why did the aircraft hit the least occupied one-fifth of the building that was the focus of a renovation plan and how was it that the construction in that exact spot just happened to be for the purpose of minimizing the damage from a terrorist explosion?[3] 
  4. Why was the company that performed the renovation work, just for that one-fifth of the building, immediately hired in a no-bid contract to clean up the damage and reconstruct that area of the building? (Note: The same company was also immediately hired to clean up the WTC site within hours of the destruction there.)[4]
  5. What can explain the damage to the building and the aircraft debris or lack thereof?
  6. Why were the tapes from the surveillance videos in the area immediately confiscated by the FBI and never released?


9/11 was planetary mind-control, the beginning of the War on Terror which is still ongoing. Like virtually all recent wars and many other major events, it was based on a false provocation. ABN

Renowned Oncologist Drops Bombshell: Ivermectin Cures Cancer

A world-renowned American surgical oncologist has just revealed that ivermectin has successfully cured cancer in multiple patients.

Cancer surgeon Dr. Kathleen Ruddy announced that the miracle drug has been used to save the lives of terminally ill patients.

Dr. Ruddy revealed that the so-called “horse dewormer” has stunned doctors by triggering dramatic recoveries in those suffering late-stage cancer.

Ruddy said the drug was tried on three patients who had exhausted all other cancer treatments.

She revealed that the patients went from their deathbeds to making a full recovery and being completely cancer-free in under a year after taking ivermectin.


Different languages, similar encoding efficiency: Comparable information rates across the human communicative niche


Language is universal, but it has few indisputably universal characteristics, with cross-linguistic variation being the norm. For example, languages differ greatly in the number of syllables they allow, resulting in large variation in the Shannon information per syllable. Nevertheless, all natural languages allow their speakers to efficiently encode and transmit information. We show here, using quantitative methods on a large cross-linguistic corpus of 17 languages, that the coupling between language-level (information per syllable) and speaker-level (speech rate) properties results in languages encoding similar information rates (~39 bits/s) despite wide differences in each property individually: Languages are more similar in information rates than in Shannon information or speech rate. These findings highlight the intimate feedback loops between languages’ structural properties and their speakers’ neurocognition and biology under communicative pressures. Thus, language is the product of a multiscale communicative niche construction process at the intersection of biology, environment, and culture.


The Respectable Right Discovers Anti-White Hostility

Jeremy Carl, The Unprotected Class: How Anti-White Racism is Tearing America Apart, Regnery Publishing, 2024, 369+xviii pages, $29.99 hardcover, $14.99 e-book

Jeremy Carl is a senior fellow at the Claremont Institute, served as deputy assistant secretary of the interior under President Trump, and has been associated with the Hoover Institution. His other books have dealt with energy policy. In a chapter on religion, he describes himself as “an actively engaged Christian of Jewish descent.” That a writer with solid connections to “respectable conservatism” is publishing a book with “anti-white racism” in the subtitle is a sign of changing times. Moreover, the author does not try to tell us that the problem with hostility towards whites is merely “divisive” or supposedly incompatible with Martin Luther King’s “dream.” He states forthrightly that it leads to injustices against whites, and that whites must fight back.

The heart of The Unprotected Class is 12 chapters dealing with anti-white attitudes and policy in civil rights law, crime and punishment, housing, education, historical remembrance, immigration, entertainment, environmentalism, business, medicine, religion, and the military. Race realism peeks through only in the chapter about medicine; the author admits that race differences are based in biology. The first four chapters are the most interesting.

Civil rights and law

Mr. Carl rightly begins his analysis with civil rights law, the heart of the anti-white regime. The Civil Rights Act of 1964 did much more than outlaw certain types of racial discrimination; it created an army of bureaucrats and lawyers to enforce the new rules. The intrusive powers of this bureaucracy were greatly extended by the Supreme Court’s decision in Griggs vs. Duke Power Supply (1971), a case involving the use of IQ and mechanical aptitude tests to assess employees for advancement.

As the author notes, “the record is clear that the Congress which enacted the 1964 act did not intend to interfere with employment tests,” but that didn’t matter. Blacks do not perform as well as whites on IQ and other tests, and the Court ruled that this “disparate impact” by race is discrimination even if there is no intent to discriminate.


IRELAND: The End of Ireland’s Great Consensus

Last Monday, May 6th, Irish people gathered in Dublin for a protest against the government’s immigration policy. This was the second Bank Holiday Monday in a row where an event like this happened, but this crowd was the biggest yet, reaching many thousands of people.

There is much that is very impressive about the anti-immigration movement in Ireland. This event was organised with little central leadership and promoted mostly by nationalist social media influencers. The crowd was diverse in age, with plenty of families and older people, a sight not typically seen at anti-immigration protests in Europe.

Another major strength of Ireland’s budding populism is the broad consensus on what Irish nationalism is. Because of Ireland’s unique history, our nationalists aren’t getting bogged down in sentimental attachments to dying empires and their civic conceptions of identity borrowed from imperial administrators. The idea that we would have to win a historical argument to make our case, or should identify with historical nationalist movements in other countries, is obviously ridiculous. Everyone in that crowd knows what an Irish person is, embraces Ireland’s revolutionary nationalist tradition, and is willing to affirm “Ireland belongs to the Irish”.

…It’s becoming a great embarrassment for Ireland’s liberal establishment that a populist movement like this could arise, despite no institutional support, sympathetic media or significant financial support. It’s even more embarrassing for the left, who now cling to increasingly elaborate conspiracy theories about shadowy British forces pulling the strings of the far-right.

The alternative — that the working class is not interested in their message and has built their own “far-right”, because their top concern is replacement immigration — is unthinkable.


Overwhelming consensus among citizens has been and always will be the only real brake on government excess, government foolishness, government civilizational self-destruction. All of the West should follow Ireland. Do not comply, do not give up, do not allow shitheads in power to ruin our civilization. No one wants to have to do this but we have no choice. It’s do or die. ABN

Woods’ conclusion:

All these factors have helped make Ireland’s anti-immigration movement one of the most effective in Europe, even without elected representatives. And here, there is no phony liberal center-right party to gobble up nationalist votes with diversionary rhetoric focused solely on illegal immigration or other side issues. If the strength of Ireland’s liberal establishment for years was its consensus based politics and lack of a right-populist force, that cohesion has backfired.

Those on the outside have been forced to adapt and build their own force from the ground up. It is a force that can no longer be ignored or handwaved away as the fringes of the “far-right”, and as the government shows no signs of yielding on its accelerationist policies of replacement migration, it is a force destined to emerge as the only remaining challenge to the vision of Official Ireland, which would be the final death of the Irish nation.

I hope migrant workers in Ireland from other parts of Europe, particularly the Baltics and Poland, will learn from this and not allow their own nations to be destroyed by replacement migration. ABN

The real reason for the Ukraine War becomes more obvious every day

The goal of the Ukraine War is now and always has been to kill as many young Ukrainians as possible while also driving away as many other Ukrainians as possible. This has been a great success: 500,000 Ukrainian young men killed and half the rest of the population driven away since the war began. Who is going to own Ukraine in future and who is going to live there when the war is over? The Ukrainians who have fled say they will never return. It is fair to wonder at this point (and before) if the war was: 1) a backup plan for Israel if they are overwhelmed and driven out of the Middle East in a regional war; or 2) that has always been the main plan. When/if Israel falls, they all move to Ukraine. ABN

(first posted this FEBRUARY 7, 2024, but seems just as true today, only situation worse)